On the road to and from LEGOLAND Florida the guys discuss a whole lot of permit and rumors news, international park issues, more KD ride removals and more.
We here at In The Loop are excited to announce a event we are hosting with Zamperla, Cornell TPEG and others at Coney Island’s Luna Park.
The Event will be on Sunday June 2nd with a schedule that looks like: 9:30 Meet by Cyclone 9:35 Backstage Tour – maintenance & lift room of Cyclone 10:00 Extra Ride Time of Cyclone 12:00 Stage Show / Awards presentation Hosted by our own Clint Novak – Place to Beach
Use the discount code “ZAMP25” at the following link to get discount tickets https://lunaparknyc.com/buy-luna-pass/
On Friday June 28 2019 all of us here at In The Loop are proud to host our first ever FreeRT event at Kennywood outside of Pittsburgh, PA. This event is our way of saying thanks to everyone that watches the videos, listens to the podcast and has helped build In The Loop into what it has become.
The event will feature free beer, free food and a free ERT session on the parks new Steel Curtain roller coaster after park closure (**in the sad event that Steel Curtain isn’t open by June 28th, we all cry….. and get ERT on Phantom’s Revenge instead).
Now we do only have 50 spots available for the event, so you can enter to get in by sending us an e-mail at intheloopstaff@inthelooppodcast.com and in that e-mail be sure to include: – Names & Ages of everyone you would like to bring to the event – Why we would pick you for FreeRT? (Be creative, tell us favorite video or podcast moments, toss out a fantasy football punishment, a good story or joke. We are doing this section to insure that our biggest fans get into the event)
Please keep in mind that FreeRT includes beer, food, and ERT, it does not include admission to Kennywood, you will be responsible for getting yourself into the park.
Last day to enter to get in is May 20th. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us on social media or e-mail us at intheloopstaff@inthelooppodcast.com