Tagged: Cedar Fair

The one without Jim Reed Anderson

Clint and The Legend talk about Six Flags and what all the parks will be getting. They also compare that to Cedar Fair and there 2017 line up.

Clint Novak is Drews Daddy

Legend is back from Texas and tells us about his trip.  We also go over the news of the week including: Rivers Of Light Delayed, Awkward Wedding Packages now available at Cedar Point, Battle Klash officially names Invadr at Busch Gardens, Opening Date and New Show For Mako and more!

The 4th Best Buffet in the World!

Legend and Drew talk about the Flower & Garden Festival (Food and Wine 2.0), and Drew goes on a date to The 4th BEST buffet in the world!  We talked about Six Flags Going VR in 9 parks, $350 million dollars for Nintendo Land at USJ opening by 2020, Luigi’s Rollicking Roadsters opens at DCA, 100 Million Dollar Chinese Cultural theme park coming to Myrtle Beach, and more!

Its so Smooth!

Will the Thrill Holder joins us this week as we talk about the 5 most anticipated rides, coasters, and attractions.  We also go over all the news of the week including sex in the high roller and kids steeling the flags from the top of an S&S drop tower.

Old Faithful is Unimpressive

The Legend, Drew, and Clint Novak join forces to talk about Drews trip to Yellowstone.  Legend talks about going to RAW, and Clint sees fluffy bunnies.  We also make a big announcement!

Legend Stole a Little Girls Soccer Ball

Clint is back on the show this week and talks a little bit about the Central Park Fun-Land Laser Tag Project he has been working on.  Drew is on his way out the door to Yellowstone, and Legend is hung over!

The In the Loop Morning Show

Clint, Legend and Braedon are up early to do a show.  They talk about the death of a man at Cedar Point, Carowinds Fan Boy stops by to talk about there upcoming water park, and Knotts Fan Boy is baked.

It Does Not Go Upside Down, And It Does Not Have To

Pete Owens from Dollywood joins us to talk about Lighting Rod just hours after the announcement.  Devin Olsen stops by with his crew to talk about From Dreams To Screams Fury 325.  Clint is on the show!!