Tagged: Halloween

The In the Loop Morning Show

Clint, Legend and Braedon are up early to do a show.  They talk about the death of a man at Cedar Point, Carowinds Fan Boy stops by to talk about there upcoming water park, and Knotts Fan Boy is baked.

Kings Dominon: Haunt Review

Kings Dominion: 2014 Haunt Review

Who am I and why should you care about my opinion of the Haunt event? Well you shouldn’t. I am just here to give you guys my opinion and my insight. I have been to 8 haunt events this October and I will be putting out reviews through out the next few weeks of each of my experiences.

My visit to Kings Dominion this last October was not only my first time to experience Haunt, but was my first Trip to Kings Dominion, ever. Not only did I get to enjoy the park during the day but was also enjoying the nighttime at the park with all the Haunt experiences the park has to offer.


First, lets point out one tremendously great thing about Kings Dominion. Admission Prices. If you would like to attend Kings Dominion and also enjoy the Haunt evenings the whole thing will only set you back $35 on Fridays and $39 on weekends. That’s right. From 9am-midnight, including access to all the mazes is $39. Wow!


Can Halloween Be Offensive?

Early in the Halloween season a group of people complained about a newspaper write-up promoting Howl-O-Scream at Busch Gardens Williamsburg and the use of a picture that showed some of the Halloween props being use at the event.  The picture featured several severed heads in a pirate themed maze.  After the complaints started coming in claiming that Busch Gardens was insensitive to the family’s of people who were being decapitated by a radical group in the middle east, the heads were removed from the park.  We asked the In the Loop staff there feelings about these actions.


Best Virginia Haunt Experience: Busch Gardens vs Kings Dominion

Over the last two weeks I have had the pleasure of experiencing both Howl-O-Scream and Halloween Haunt on back to back days. The first weekend I did Kings Dominion on a Saturday and Busch Gardens on a Sunday, and the following weekends Busch Gardens on a Saturday and Kings Dominion on a Sunday. Each night was a different experience. I am going to break down each event by what they have to offer and rate those offerings. WARNING: There will be spoilers in this story!


The one with NO BOO

Clint, Legend and Drew are joined by Braedon as they talk about all the Halloween related stuff they have done over the last few weeks.  They also talk about Universal Studios building in Beijing, Busch Gardens Tampa filing permits, Adventure Island building Colossal Curl, and much more.

Boo, or NO BOO! That is the Question

This season we have seen more and more parks start offering the NO BOO pass for there Halloween events.  The NO BOO pass is a light up glow stick that hangs around your neck.  When you are going in to a scare zone or house, the monsters are suppose to not scare you.  We asked the In the Loop team there thoughts on the NO BOO pass.
