Tagged: Dorney Park

Goodings Died So Indiana Beach Could Live

The guys return to talk the news of the week including possible new for 2021 roller coasters, IB returning, HHN 30 rumors and possible new Universal event and some interesting corporate news.

Arm Breaks and Cable Snaps

Accidents, Rumors, New Special Events and trip planning discussion all on this week show

Its so Smooth!

Will the Thrill Holder joins us this week as we talk about the 5 most anticipated rides, coasters, and attractions.  We also go over all the news of the week including sex in the high roller and kids steeling the flags from the top of an S&S drop tower.

Spicy V8 is NASTY

Clint Novak, The Legend, & Drew are back in action as they talk about all the big news out of Universal Studios Orlando!  They also talk about the Future at Kings Dominion.

Euphemisms Everywhere!

Drew, Legend, AND CLINT!  Its your once a month threesome!  Drew gives us the inside scoop about the Nik Wallenda Walk on the Orlando Eye & Clint talks about Tempesto.

The One That is not On a Cruise

The Legend is on a cruise this week so we welcome Pete Owens from Dollywood to stop by and talk about A Smoky Mountain Christmas, Dreammore, and IAAPA.  Clint talks about how someone born today may never drive a car.  Drew and Clint talk some news, and we read listener mail.

Dorney Park Announces New Ride

New for 2015 Dorney Park announces “Cedar Creak Flyers” Manufactured by Larson International in Plainview, Texas.


Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom, the center of summer fun and family entertainment in the Lehigh Valley, will be adding a new family ride, barbeque dining experience and All Season Dining program for season passholders as part of its plan for the 2015 season.

The Cedar Creek Flyers will be added to the lower section of the park across from Stinger. This unique experience is an updated version of a classic thrill ride. Riders will sit in one of eight “eagles” suspended from arms 28 feet in the air. As the ride spins, the eagles will swing outward – and riders have the unique opportunity to control their flight experience from mild to wild!

Former Dorney Park owner dies at 79

Harris Weinstein

Harris Weinstein

Harris Weinstein 79 passed away at his home in Florida. Weinstein purchased Dorney park in 1985 and expanded and ran the park for 7 years until he sold it to Cedar Fair. While running the park he saw an increase of 1 million additional guests a year.

News Link


dorney-park-roller-coaster-voodoo-eea985f52a12412aA Philadelphia man is facing trial in Lehigh Country Court after taking his family and friends on a trip to Dorney Park on August 17th.  The man drove 60 miles with 11 family and friends in the back of a flat bed truck.  9 of the 11 were under the age of 18.  Officers were called to the park after a complaint was issued about the truck.  Closed circuit TV showed the truck arriving with the back full of passengers at 9:30am.  The man has been freed on $20,000 unsecured bail.