Tagged: knott’s berry farm

Theme Park Santa

The ITL holiday tradition episode in addition to news on Universal going to the UK, the eclipse at Cedar Point and new for 2025 coasters coming to Virginia.

The Blue Streak Is Gone But You Can Make Out At Six Flags

The first podcast of 2022 brings lots of news including Knott’s berry exciting future, palace buys adventureland, lots of six flags news, darkoaster and major work on the beast.

We Will Marry You At The Banana Bar

Candymonium is running wild brother on this episode of ITL, we talk about new rides that have opened, rides losing there D, and much much more.

Enjoy Your 9 Hour Ride Ryan

Lots of rumors, lots of listener feedback and lots of tangents.  But Hyde is gonna ride the Skycoaster so it is all good


Drew returns, Legend goes on a big trip, Winterfest ride lineups, Oscar roller coaster, Cedar Fair CEO talk and more.

Drew Should Have Met Uncle Bernie

Drew The Intern goes west, National Roller Coaster Day announcements and much much more in one of the longest ITL episodes ever.

No joke I think I tried to write it to impress a chick in my like 9th grade class

Hyde joins the fun this week as we talk BGW, Boomerang no more, future of Dragons Challenge and then it’s all aboard the 2017 HYPE TRAIN.

Wild Adventures Sends Actual Mail

Drew goes to Wet N Wild, lots of Universal Orlando news, a new park in Alabama, 2017 at Dutch Wonderland, Dollywood, Knott’s, plus a whole lot more
